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Month: August 2022

So much news

I stopped updating here for a while, for a number of reasons. First, because for the Cloud Resume Challenge, this needed to be an html site. Which is fine, but updating became a pain. I just converted the site to WordPress, so I can blog more easily. I also used…

Time Flies…

I can’t believe it’s been over a month since I’ve posted an updated. I know it’s a cliche, but dang, time moves fast. I haven’t made measurable improvments on the Cloud Resume Challenge, but I haven’t been idle, either. First, I spent a couple weeks skilling up on Ansible. I’d…

Side Quest

I took a little bit of a detour from the Cloud Resume Challenge. I’m interviewing with a company I’d very much like to work with, and I’d noticed in the job description they’d mentioned Jenkins a few times. Jenkins has been on my radar to play with, so I thought…