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Author: Samuel Waters

More Certs?

I’ve started studying for the AWS Developer’s Associate exam, and I wish I’d looked closer before I started planning. In my head, my rough plan has been do one associate exam this year, one next year, and then do the Solutions Architect Pro exam the same year my SAA runs…

So much news

I stopped updating here for a while, for a number of reasons. First, because for the Cloud Resume Challenge, this needed to be an html site. Which is fine, but updating became a pain. I just converted the site to WordPress, so I can blog more easily. I also used…

Time Flies…

I can’t believe it’s been over a month since I’ve posted an updated. I know it’s a cliche, but dang, time moves fast. I haven’t made measurable improvments on the Cloud Resume Challenge, but I haven’t been idle, either. First, I spent a couple weeks skilling up on Ansible. I’d…

Side Quest

I took a little bit of a detour from the Cloud Resume Challenge. I’m interviewing with a company I’d very much like to work with, and I’d noticed in the job description they’d mentioned Jenkins a few times. Jenkins has been on my radar to play with, so I thought…